One of the first things you need to learn about your business is your customer’s buying journey based on the sales funnel. Big businesses like to call this their customer relationship management pipeline. They tend to use a few basic pipeline structures that follow their customer’s buying journey from awareness to delight. The truth is […]
Do you have a store where people purchase products, or do you offer a service like coaching? Maybe you offer courses and classes, or you provide customer support or something else entirely? Whatever you offer, how you have structured your business is vital to determine before you start your automation plans. If you have an […]
The first thing to think about when you seek to make your days more manageable and more effective is the parts of your small business. What parts of your business are essential to your success? For each business, you’ll need to look at your own situation to determine it, but this can get you started. […]
Effective marketing boils down to this: Find an audience, figure out what they need or want, and then deliver it. Email is one of the best mediums to help you do just that. And it isn’t always about selling them on a product. In fact, that isn’t at all where you want to start. First, […]
Sometimes there are only so many products you can make and ways you can sell goods and services. Over time your hobby makes you an expert… and that has value. Teaching is an awesome way to benefit others and make money. Most hobbies can be taught in multiple ways. The great thing about teaching is […]